
Monday, March 7, 2011

Weekend in Review

We LOVED getting to spend time together this weekend; we had a lot of fun, and it was definitely needed! Our schedules haven't matched up very well lately, but we learned in the beginning of our marriage (well, really when we were dating and engaged) to make the most of our time together when we both have time off.
Friday night, for example, A had to work until 9pm. When he walked in the door (I was picking up the house) he said, "How about we just eat dinner and watch a movie tonight?" To which I replied, "Okay, fine, but after I pick stuff up, you shower, we get stuff ready for the morning..." In response he whipped a Blu-Ray out from behind his back and said, "Even if it's this movie?" I know it got really bad reviews, but I still wanted to see Life as We Know It with Kathryn Heigl and Josh Duhamel. My husband, who definitely has a more "refined" taste in movies than I do, had definitely picked out a good surprise for me!
On Saturday morning we went to the wedding of one of our good friends. Christi was definitely the most giddy and the happiest bride I think I've seen! She and Micah are perfect for each other, and I love that she felt the same way about their wedding that I felt about ours (while we were definitely excited, we realize that the wedding is one day; marriage is a lifetime!) I also got to see one of my other close friends, Briann, at the wedding-I've missed them both!!
Unfortunately we had to get back for A's work meeting, but I decided to go with him and make a quick Kohl's and Target run. No exciting buys, although I did buy a (CHEAP!) outfit for our niece and a really cute bracelet at Kohl's. Target was purely essentials (very proud of myself!).
Sunday? REST!
Wow-I went into a lot of detail about our weekend which probably wasn't too exciting for anyone reading, but in a year (or five) I know it will be fun to go back and see what we were doing on the weekend of March 4th-6th! :)

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